Getting it Out there

Our insights and inspiration

From time to time, we feel the need to put pen to paper. Below is an assortment of thoughts, webinars and events across a range of topics. Hopefully you’ll find them provocative but also useful, to help better inform your future internal communication campaigns.

In the News

Here are some of our features in the press for our expert internal communications thinking and where our work has been featured as an example of best practice in employee engagement.


Behavioural insights matched with the right words, images, sights and sounds can inspire change in your people.

Cyber security - thumbnail

How to cultivate a security-conscious culture: Leadership’s critical role

Creating a truly effective human firewall requires more than annual training programs or temporary initiatives. We explore the critical role leaders in fostering a cyber secure company culture.

Employee mental health programmes are failing, and here’s why

Despite generous spending in the billions of dollars annually, why do some employee wellbeing programmes fail? We explore the reasons why.

Cyber Security Awareness Month 2024: Your Essential Toolkit For Employee Communications

Download your free Cyber Security Awareness Month 2024 toolkit to help guide communications with your people.

Illustration of women in the workplace with arms around each other

Are you doing enough to support your menopausal staff?

Last year it was reported that there were record numbers of over 50’s in work across the UK. This coupled with the fact women over 50 represent one of the fastest growing segments of the workforce, means there are very few organisations where the menopause is not being experienced by staff.

BG Briefing panelists July, 2024


‘We have to continually learn about where the threats come from. It’s about trying to cyber attack your people as well as the software. It’s about learning together and not finger pointing at any individual’ – Jake Moore

The Empathy Revolution Revisited – where are we now?

Nearly four years ago, in the height of the first lockdown, we wrote about how the pandemic might just have been one of the best things to happen to employee engagement – where are we now?

Employee Experience: What it is; why it matters; how to define it.

By involving more people in EVP creation not only is there a chance that its more likely to be authentic, but also there will be a greater number of people invested in its success, and willing to promote it.

Women and the police. Who’s wearing the trousers?

Equality only happens when thinking, planning and execution is made by and for the broadest possible group of people. Genuine equality of opportunity and experience.

Is it time to talk about purposeful finance?

With the money the financial industry creates and the state of the UK’s infrastructure and energy market, there’s no end to the good it can do.

Purpose and your people: making the connection 

You probably know the rumours: purpose matters more than ever before. Gen Zers won’t get out of bed without a purpose, and certainly won’t join an organisation until they see, hear and feel it for themselves.

BG Briefing survey

Missed our latest BG Briefing? Don’t worry. As a little quid-pro-quo, if you tell us a little bit about you, we’ll share the link to the latest recording, and let you know when the next one is.

Measuring the immeasurable: can we ever know culture ‘change’ is taking place?

What’s the single thing communications professionals worry about the most? I’d hazard, impact – if the things they’re producing, sending and socialising are actually making any difference. And with it, measurement – how to quantity and prove that change is actually taking place.

Hands up – is hybrid working supporting inclusivity?

As organisations try to embed hybrid working models at the same time as improve their performance on diversity and inclusion, it’s interesting to consider the extent to which one can enable the other – how hybrid working might support minoritised groups.

WFH, WFO, WFA? Strengthening culture in a hybrid-working world

Hybrid working is here to stay. But while we’ve solved many of the technological challenges faced by having team members located in multiple locations, now it’s time to move the story on and start thinking about how we can really thrive and innovate in this brave new world.

How green is your EVP? It’s a question you might want to ask. Potential employees almost certainly are.

How green is your EVP? It’s a question you might want to ask. Potential employees almost certainly are.

What’s the point of internal communication? Probably more than you (and we) thought

What is internal communication for? A year ago, we’d probably have said to ‘inform, inspire and connect’ employees, but now we think it has a bit more to answer for.

The Future of the Workplace

Didn’t make our last session? Sign up to our blue goose briefing invite list here and let us know if you have an idea for a future event.

The Lean Employee Experience

“The big question of our time is not ‘Can it be built?’ but ‘Should it be built?'” – Eric Ries

Leading from the front means playing a good game, not just talking one.

Culture, as they say, eats strategy for breakfast. No matter your best intentions, the culture of a place will always overcome the best intentions of those at the head of the household (and business).

Internal identity: Consistency vs. coherence?

Internally, the only thing a brand competes with is itself, being used on a daily basis for far more than just marketing.

Communicating on Purpose

Employees connected to the overall purpose and strategy of the organisation, feeling valued in relation to that purpose, with a general sense of trust and belief in the business leaders.